Looking for a Good Neighborhood
A good neighborhood is essential for living in peace. If our neighborhoods are noisy, dangerous, hot, do not have trees, and are crowded, we will not live in physical peace.
Blessing Our Descendants
When we reach old age, blessing our descendants becomes an important duty among our many obligations
What are Sila Vata (religious or monastic precepts)? How are they different from the 5 precepts?
I heard Luang Phaw talk about Sila Vata (religious or monastic precepts). What are they? How are they different from the 5 precepts?
Where Does Children’s Good Behavior Come From?#1
These three factors are the foundation to support the good Dhamma. It will develop more in the future and they will be able to grow to reach their full potential. In comparison to good lands and fields
Bad Body Odor
Questions from an audience who has bad body odor. What bad retribution causes her to have bad body odor? And how can she do to solve this problem?
Why do we need to build good people network? How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
I’d like to ask for Luang Phaw’s explanation for what you told us to build good people network. How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
Buddhism Lecture to Locals // June 26, 2016 - Thai Buddhist Meditation Center, Japan
On Sunday June 26, 2016, the 5th Buddhism subject was lectured at Thai Buddhist Meditation Center.
Be Good Because Of DMC
Male massage shop in Bahrain earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual. This business is in fact more than just a simple massage. There are male prostitutes. Most of the customers know about this. I ran this business without knowing its retribution. I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do via DMC.
Good tips for teaching children
The present society is facing increased problems of children lacking gratitude for their parents. Do you have any recommendations in teaching our children to become good and grateful people?
Dad, Why Were We Born?
One day, a family invited guests to their home for a religions rite for the great-grandparent. After the ceremony, when all the guests had left, the son asked the father,